4 apm configuration, 5 hw monitor configuration, Apm configuration -24 – Asus M4A88TD-M EVO/USB3 User Manual

Page 72: Hw monitor configuration -24

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Chapter 2: BIOS information


APM Configuration

Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]

When this item set to [Always Off], the system goes into off state after an AC power loss.

When this item set to [Always On], the system goes on after an AC power loss. When this

item set to [Last State], the system goes into either off or on state, whatever the system

state was before the AC power loss.

Configuration options: [Power Off] [Power On] [Last State]

Power on From S5 By PME# [Disabled]

Enables or disables PME wake from sleep states. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Power on From S5 By Ring [Disabled]

Enables or disables ring to generate a wake event. Configuration options: [Disabled]


Power on By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]

Enables or disables PS/2 Keyboard to generate a wake event.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Power Key] [Ctrl - Esc]

Power on From S5 By RTC Alarm [Disabled]

Enables or disables RTC to generate a wake event. Configuration options: [Disabled]



HW Monitor Configuration

CPU / MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF] or [Ignored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the motherboard and CPU

temperatures. Select [Ignored] if you do not want the detected temperatures to be displayed.

CPU Fan Speed [xxxxRPM] or [Ignored] / [N/A]

Chassis Fan Speed [xxxxRPM] or [Ignored] / [N/A]

Power Fan Speed [xxxxRPM] or [Ignored] / [N/A]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU / Chassis / Power

fan speeds in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the motherboard, the

field shows N/A. Select [Ignored] if you do not wish to display the detected speed.

VCORE Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5V Voltage, 12V Voltage [xx.xxxV] or [Ignored]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through the onboard

voltage regulators. Select [Ignored] if you do not want the detected voltage to be displayed.

CPU Q-Fan Function [Enabled]

Enables or disables the CPU Q-Fan control feature. Configuration options: [Disabled]
