Motherboard driver installation, Sco unixware server, I. lsi scsi driver installation – Asus CUR-DLSR User Manual

Page 101: A. building the sco unixware c8xx btld diskette

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ASUS CUR-DLSR User’s Manual


5. Motherboard Driver Installation

5. Driver Installation



6. SCO UnixWare Server

I. LSI SCSI Driver Installation

A. Building the SCO UnixWare C8XX BTLD Diskette

To create a C8XX BTLD diskette to use with UnixWare 2.1.X or UnixWare 7, copy
the raw dd image file onto a 1.44 Mbytes floppy diskette. This process is dependent
upon the operating system that you are using to create this diskette. See the instruc-
tions below for UNIX System and DOS System Users. After the driver diskette been
created, labeled as “PCI SCSI SCO UnixWare driver”.

For UNIX System Users:
Follow these steps to create the BTLD diskette:

1. Insert a 3.5" diskette into the floppy diskette drive.
2. At the UNIX prompt, type: [dd if=//unixware.dd of=/dev/rfd0]. The

is where the dd image is located. For UnixWare 2.1.X, the dd image
file is located here:


For UnixWare 7, the dd image file is located here:


For DOS System Users:

Under this section, DOS system users have two choices.

1. Use a utility that will copy the raw dd image onto a 1.44 Mbytes floppy dis-

kette. For UnixWare 2.1.X, this dd image is located at:


For UnixWare 7, this dd image is located at:


RAWRITE3.COM, which is a public domain utility, is available on this CD-
ROM at this location:


Instructions for using this utility are included in its accompanying RaWrite file
or as a Microsoft Word document located at:


2. The other DOS alternative is to use the self-extracting image file appropriate

for your version of UnixWare. These are located under: