Power menu, 74 configuring the bios, Power management [user define – Asus L1A User Manual

Page 74: Cpu auto power saving [enabled

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Configuring the BIOS

Power Menu

The power management settings are controlled by the operating system. This menu only has one func-
tion as follows:

I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p

P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t :

[ U s e r D e f i n e ]

C P U A u t o P o w e r S a v i n g

[ E n a b l e d ]

L C D A u t o P o w e r S a v i n g

[ E n a b l e d ]

S t a r t B a t t e r y R e f r e s h i n g

to select the

Power Saving Mode. You

can select ‘User Define”

to go to the Suspend

Mode entry below.

Power Management [User Define]

This option must be enabled to use any of the automatic power saving features.

If this menu item is set to Disabled, power management features will not function regardless of other
field settings on this menu. The Customized option allows you to make your own selections in the
Power menu. When set to Max Saving, system power will be conserved to its greatest amount. The
next four fields will then be set to predefined values that ensure maximum power savings.

When this field is set to Min Saving, best system performance is achieved with some power conserva-
tion. The timeout fields will then be set to predefined values that ensure maximum performance. The
configuration options are: [User Define] [Disabled] [Min Saving] [Max Saving]

CPU Auto Power Saving [Enabled]

Enabling this item will decrease the CPU speed when the AC power is not connected in order to con-
serve battery power. The configuration options are: [Disabled] [Enabled].