I/o device configuration (sub-menu), 70 configuring the bios, Onboard parallel port: [378h/irq7 – Asus L1A User Manual

Page 70: Parallel port mode: [ecp

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Configuring the BIOS

I/O Device Configuration (sub-menu)

I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p

I / O D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n

O n b o a r d P a r a l l e l P o r t :

[ 3 7 8 H / I R Q 7 ]

P a r a l l e l P o r t M o d e :

[ E C P ]

E C P D M A S e l e c t :

[ 3 ]

< E n t e r > t o s e l e c t t h e

I / O A d d r e s s & I R Q f o r

I n f r a r e d .

NOTE: The presence of sub-items in this menu is dependent on certain relevant settings.

WARNING! Changing the default address and IRQ settings for Serial Port or Parallel
Port can cause conflicts with other system devices or installed peripherals.

Onboard Parallel Port: [378H/IRQ7]

This field allows you to configure the Notebook PC parallel port. The configuration options are: [Dis-
abled] [378H/IRQ7] [278H/IRQ5]

Parallel Port Mode: [ECP]

The Mode field allows you to configure the Notebook PC parallel port transmission mode. The
configuration options are: [Normal] [Bi-dir] [ECP] [EPP]

EPP Mode: When the EPP mode is selected, the standard and bidirectional modes are also avail-
able. The EPP operates on a two phase cycle. First, the host selects the register within a device for
subsequent operations. Second, the host performs a series of read and/or write byte operations to
the selected register. There are four operations supported by EPP: Address Write, Data Write,
Address Read, and Data Read. All operations are performed asynchronously.

ECP Mode: The port is both software and hardware compatible with existing parallel ports so that
it may be used as a standard printer mode if ECP is not required. ECP mode provides an automatic
high burst-bandwidth channel that supports DMA for ECP in both the forward (host to peripheral)
and reverse (peripheral to host) direction.