Troubleshooting – Ocean Optics SAD500 User Manual
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Occasionally, there will be problems associated with your PC configuration and the software. Here are a few tips to
assist you.
To ensure that the software and hardware are in-synch, exit OOIBase32, cycle power on the SAD500, and
restart OOIBase32.
In Windows 95/98, you can find out your Serial Port number by selecting Start | Settings | Control Panel.
Then double-click on the System icon and select the Device Manager tab. Double-click on Ports (COM &
LPT) to display the COM port numbers. Ensure that there is no yellow or red warning sign next to the COM
Port you are attempting to use.
If the ports on your PC are not labeled and you don’t know which COM port you are using for your SAD500,
you may have to resort to trial and error. If you choose the wrong serial port number, you will not see a
dynamic trace responding to light near the bottom of the displayed graph. Instead, you will see a straight line.
On some computers, users may have to disable any virus protection software to ensure timely and complete
transfer of the data.
Installation Instructions: SAD500 (for all Windows Users)
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