Specifications – Ocean Optics SAD500 User Manual

Page 3

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In the Wavelength Calibration page, the
coefficients for each spectrometer channel
in your system have already been loaded as
part of the spectrometer configuration file
that came on a floppy diskette with your
spectrometer. (See the


on page 1.) If

you did not receive this floppy diskette, you
can enter the wavelength coefficients of
your system from the Wavelength
Calibration Data Sheet that came with your
spectrometer. Check the Enabled box for
each spectrometer channel in your system.


In the A/D Interface page, enter the same
settings and values as you did in the
Configure Hardware dialog box.


The Detector Linearity page in this dialog
box allows you to enter coefficients for an
algorthim that corrects for rare occurances of non-linearity of the detector. Contact an Applications Scientist at
Ocean Optics for more information.

Save the spectrometer configuration file by choosing Spectrometer | Save Configuration As from the OOIBase32
menu. You can rename the file or use the default file name (

[your serial number].spec

). You will then be asked if

you would like to make this file the default spectrometer configuration file. Choose Yes. The next time you run
OOIBase32, the software will use the file as the standard for your configuration. When you exit OOIBase32, any
changes to the configuration file will be automatically saved to the default file.

OOIBase32 Settings Dialog Box

At this point, it is a good idea to configure several OOIBase32 operation parameters. Choose Edit | Settings from
the menu to open the OOIBase32 Settings dialog box. Go through each page of this dialog box to select options
for saving, opening, and printing data; to configure default setting files; and to select other important options such
as storing and copying data and choosing warning messages. (See the

OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating

Software Manual

for details.)

Configure Data Acquisition Dialog Box

Finally, select Spectrum | Configure Data Acquisition from the menu to set your data acquisition parameters in
the Configure Data Acquisition dialog box. The Basic page allows you to set the integration time and choose
averaging and boxcar smoothing values. The External Trigger page allows you to specify the external trigger
mode. The Strobe page allows you to control external strobe events with the spectrometer. (See the


Spectrometer Operating Software Manual

for details.)


Installation Instructions: SAD500 (for all Windows Users)

- 3 -

A/D resolution:


A/D sampling frequency:

500 kHz (maximum)

Communication port:


Baud rate:


Input voltage:

10 – 24V

Input current:

130 mA without spectrometer

Interface cable:

6-pin DIN connector to PC, 25-pin connector to spectrometer

Multiple-channel capability:

supports up to 8 spectrometer channels

Spectrometer integration time:

5 milliseconds to 60 seconds (S2000 spectrometers)