Ocean Optics SAD500 User Manual
Sad500 serial port interface, Interface the sad500 to your pc, Install ooibase32

SAD500 Serial Port Interface
The SAD500 S
is a microprocessor-controlled A/D converter for serial port connection or
stand-alone operation. It can be used to interface to desktop or portable PCs, PLCs, and other devices that support
the RS-232 communication protocol. Directions for setting up your SAD500 follow. Because A/D converter
installation goes hand-in-hand with software installation, directions for installing OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating
Software are also included.
Interface the SAD500 to your PC
If you ordered your SAD500 mounted onto your spectrometer, simply connect the 6-pin DIN end of the serial
cable to the SAD500 and the DB9 end to your PC. If you ordered your SAD500 in its own housing, attach the
25-pin conductor ribbon cable from the spectrometer to the SAD500. Then connect the 6-pin DIN end of the
serial cable to the SAD500 and the DB9 end to your PC.
For either configuration, note the serial port number (also called COM Port ) on the PC to which you are
interfacing. (Older PCs may not have numbered ports.)
Plug the +12VDC wall transformer into an outlet and connect it to the SAD500.
Install OOIBase32
Before installing OOIBase32, make sure that no other applications are running.
Execute Setup.exe. At the “Welcome” dialog box, click Next>.
At the “Destination Location” dialog box, accept the default or choose Browse to pick a directory. Click Next>.
At the “Backup Replaced Files” dialog box, select either Yes or No. We recommend selecting Yes. If you select
Yes, accept the default or choose Browse to pick a destination directory. Click Next>.
Select a Program Manager Group. Click Next>. At the “Start Installation” dialog box, click Next>.
Follow all prompts regarding the Spectrometer Configuration diskette that came with your system. For more on
the Spectrometer Configuration diskette, see the
below. (If you downloaded OOIBase32 from the Ocean
Optics web site, you will not have this diskette. Select No when first asked about the diskette.)
At the “Installation Complete” dialog box, choose Finish>. Restart your computer, when prompted.
In your spectrometer shipment box, you received a Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet wrapped around a
floppy diskette. The Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet and the spectrometer configuration file on the floppy
diskette contain the same information, which is unique to your spectrometer. When you install OOIBase32, you
are prompted to insert this diskette into your computer so that this data is installed with the software. However,
if the diskette is ever lost, or if you downloaded OOIBase32 from the our web site and did not receive a
diskette, you can use the data on the Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet to enter into OOIBase32 fields.
Run OOIBase32
After you restart your computer, navigate to the OOIBase32 icon and select it. The first time you run OOIBase32
after installation, you must follow several prompts before you can begin taking measurements.
Operator and Serial Number Dialog Box
First, a prompt to enter a user name and serial number appears. Certain data files will include this information in the
header. (If, at a later date, you wish to change the operator name and serial number, select Edit | Settings from the
menu and then choose the Registration tab.) Click OK.
Installation Instructions: SAD500 (for all Windows Users)
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