Component testing – Ocean Optics Collimation tester User Manual

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Collimation Tester Instructions



Component Testing

The collimation tester is suitable for measuring mirrors with a large radius of curvature. Murty (4) has
examined various techniques and has found the shearing interferometer one of the more accurate
methods. The setup is shown in the figure below:

The wavefront radius at the mirror is calculated by adding or subtracting the mirror screen distance to
the radius measured at the screen. The mirror radius is twice the wavefront radius. The collimation
tester can also be used to measure optical material homogeneity as suggested by De Vany (5). It
provides a simple method of obtaining single pass effects without the complications of a Mach-
Zehnder interferometer.

The collimation tester can be used to do more complex wavefront analysis including lens aberration
testing. For these applications, the reader is referred to the classical literature on interferometers as
well as the references cited.



Rimmer, "Method For Evaluating Lateral Shearing Interferograms:” Applied Optics,

13.3.1974. P 623

(2) F.M. Dickey and TM. Harder, "Shearing Plate Optical Alignment". Optical Engineering, 17,3,
1978,P 295

(3) M.E. Riley and M.A. Gusinow, "Laser Beam Divergence Using A Lateral Shearing
Interferometer". Applied Optics; 16. 10. 1977,P 2753

(4) M.V.RK Murty and R.P. Shukla, "Measurement of Long Radius of Curvature", Optical
Engineering, 22, 2,1983, P 231

(5) A.S. De Vany, Applied Optics,10, 6. 1971, P 1459