Ocean Optics Collimation tester User Manual
Collimation tester instructions, Description, Method of use

Collimation Tester Instructions
Use shear-plate collimation testers to examine and adjust the collimation of laser light, or to measure
the wavefront curvature and divergence/convergence magnitude of large-radius optical components.
The setting up of a laser beam expander to give a collimated or parallel beam can be a problem if the
full capability of any precision laser optics is to be achieved. Methods using autocollimation or
measuring beam diameter over some distance are inadequate to obtain diffraction-limited performance
unless tedious measurements are made. To accomplish this task, Ocean Optics has an interferometer
that is extremely simple to use, requires almost no adjustment and produces results in a few moments.
Method of Use
The method of use is so simple it maybe hard to realize that the device is a precision interferometer.
1. Set up the beam expander with the lenses spaced according to their focal lengths.
2. Place the collimation tester in the beam so as to illuminate the front face as fully as possible,
and to reflect the beam by about 90° to a screen placed at right angles to the reflected beam
(see figure below).