3B Scientific Analog Multimeter AM50 User Manual
Page 10

10 Operating mode: electrical
zero-point center
Adjust the slide switch (4) to the
” setting.
Using the rotary switch (1), select
the corresponding measurement
range “A ...”.
The needle should be located in
the center of the scale.
Connect the multimeter and take
a reading from the lower scale.
3.6.2 Measuring DC current using
+ Operating mode: Zero-point
Set the slide switch (4) to the
Set the rotary switch (1) to the “V ...
100 mV” setting.
Connect the multimeter and the
take a reading from the upper
scale. Operating mode: Zero-point
Set the slide switch (4) to the “
Set the rotary switch (1) to the “V ...
100 mV” position.
The needle should now point to
the center of the scale.
Connect the multimeter and take
a reading from the lower scale.
3.6.3 Measuring AC current
Set the slide switch (4) to the “
Use the rotary switch (1) to select
the corresponding measurement
range “A
Connect the multimeter and take
a reading from the upper scale.
4 Maintenance
4.1 Cleaning
Only use a paintbrush or soft tow-
el to clean the multimeter. If stat-
ic electrical charge builds up on
the view window, this can be elim-
inated using a damp rag or an an-
tistatic agent.
4.2 Replacing the battery
If during the battery test the nee-
dle no longer deflects to the bat-
tery test zone depicted with “
the battery must be replaced (see
4.3 Replacing the fuse
The multimeter is equipped with
a safety fuse F3,15/250. The fuse
holder is located on the printed
circuit board. To replace the fuse
the device must be opened as de-
scribed in section 3.1.
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible