American Car Craft Corvette Stingray Mud Guards 4Pc Polished with Carbon Fiber Backing 2014+ C7 User Manual
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5. The rear mudguards install much like the front ones but with a couple of extra steps.
Remove the 9/32” screws for the shield under the car and also the rear valance screw
just to the left .Then unsnap the shield and remove the three torque screws securing the
wheel well pad as well.
6. For this installation you will need to slightly and harmlessly trim the factory stone shield.
Remove the white plastic clip from the lower left corner of the shield (note: This plastic
clip will not be reused). Using two pairs of needle nose pliers remove the two top clips
from the shield by grasping the skirt of the clip from both sides and spreading the clip in
such a way as to release it from the shield. Do not try and yank these off by hand as this
will damage the soft plastic tab holding the clip. The next thing you will need to do is
trim the small gussets at each of the metal clip taps. If you look closely you will notice
that these small gussets will not allow the shield to clip flush to the stainless guard. This
can be easily fixed by trimming each of these protruding gussets with a small snap knife
and or utility knife. At the same time you are trimming all these gussets allow yourself to
trim each of these gussets a little deeper to allow the factory clips be seated completely
over the taps. This will allow the clips to hold the shield nice and tight to the guard when
you are ready to install them. Since the plastic gussets are very soft you will be able to
trim them away with hardly any effort and this will in no way compromise the attach
ability of the shield to the car with or without the stainless mud guard in place.
7. Now that you have prepared the factory stone shield you can move to the installation of
the rear mud guard. Form the guard by hand in the same way as the front guards also
bending the triangular tab towards the back of the car. You will notice that there is
several alignment protrusions varying in size running down the wheel well’s outer rim.
Take a little extra time to contour you stainless guard so that it will conform nicely to
these areas. In order to minimize and/or eliminate these protrusions from being seen,
we are going to ask you to blacken the outer face of them using a permanent black
marker. Simply slide the marker along the outer face effectively blackening them. This
will make them virtually invisible once the new mud guard has been installed.
8. Now that you have prepared both the wheel well as well as the stone shield we can
proceed with the installation. Slip the tab of the new guard over the rear valance hole at
the far end as you manipulate the guard over the screw whole and blackened
protrusions and secure the stainless guard with the three factory screws. Again do not
over tighten the screws just snug will work perfect. Make sure that all holes are aligned
9. With the two top and lower corner clips (unattached to the shield) snap the factory
shield into position just with the two center clips allowing the factory shields lower tab