American Car Craft Dodge Viper Glove Box Cover with Laser Etched Viper Head Logo Polished 1996-2002 User Manual

American car craft instructions

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1996-2002 VIPER Glove Box Cover Laser Etched with Viper Head

Part # 961003

1-Glove Box Cover
1-Adhesive Promoter Pack

VERY IMPORTANT! You must follow all the steps as described below. Do not skip any steps


1. BEFORE you begin you must first prepare the GLOVE BOX area in order to
allow the Adhesive to Set! You can do this by scrubbing the entire area
first with household Rubbing Alcohol.
Your part will not bond permanently without cleaning the surface with

Caution: If your glove box has been treated with armor-all or silicone
coatings such as wax, installation Will NOT work unless these treatments
have been REMOVED. You can check your local auto parts store for a ‘WAX
and SILICONE REMOVER’. We recommend a “3M-Wax and Silicone Remover).

If your glove box has been treated with Armor-All the household Rubbing
Alcohol alone will not remove it. You must use a wax and silicone