American Car Craft Ford Raptor Hood Panel Perforated Illuminated 2010-2013 User Manual

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connectors provided. Once you have successful extended the harness simply zip tie it nice and tight to the grill
rail with the 3 black zip ties provided and reattach the grill bracket (#2).

3- Then proceed to thoroughly scrub clean the entire sub frame of the hood to remove any and all dirt and road

grime. With the hood clean scrub the center section with a scotch pad provided to ruff the surface up to prepare
the hood for adhesion. Scrub the top of the hood opening as well as the triangular center section and one inch
along the lower edge of the hood then swipe these areas with the adhesive promoter provided.

4- Before you begin to permanently install the hood panel set it into the hood and center its location. You will

notice several holes in the hood panel provided for mounting screws. Mark these locations onto the hood and
then remove the panel. Pilot the locations with a 9/64th drill bit and be very careful not to poke the outer skin.

5- Apply a couple of golf ball size blobs of silicone to the center section of the hood then peel the red release liner

from the back of the triangular hood panel insert and then press it into place.

6- Apply some adhesive promoter along the triangular side wall. IMPORTANT: Your kit comes with a stainless panel

for this sidewall that will need to be pre shaped to conform to the shape of the opening. You can do this by
hand. Starting with the seam at the very top of the triangle press a half roll by using a table top to form the top
corner and then set it into the center area of the hood and continue to shape the panel to each corner. Work
your way to the top corner and again roll the top seam of the panel onto a table until you have made the panel
shape to the hood perfectly. Once you have achieved a nice contoured shape peel a small length of the release
liner from the back of the panel and set it into position. Then pull the release liner with one hand exposing the
adhesive as you keep the panel in position with the other hand. This will allow you to accurately mount the
panel in place. Once you have successful installed the side wall you will notice and inconsistent gap between the
side wall and triangle panel. To fix this we have provide you with a length of ¼” half round chrome trim. Apply a
thin bead of adhesive promoter along the inconsistent edge and set the trim starting at the top and working
your way along the edge until you come around to the start point. Then simply trim any excess with a scissor
and create a butt seam (#3).

7- Illuminated Version: This paragraph of the instructions is for lighted panels. If you are installing the lighted

version of the hood panel you will need to route the electrical wire into position before you install the main
section. You will notice a small hole at the rear passenger side corner of the hood. This will be an exit point for
the electrical lead for you lights. Drill a ¼ hole into the sub frame towards the center section. Fish a hanger wire
through both holes and then pull the wire supplied with the kit through the hood panel. Once the wire has been
routed strip the ends and crimp on the two red tube connectors provided. Then simply connect the wire by
crimping the tube to the wire lead mounted to the underside of the hood panel before you install it (#4).

8- IMPORTANT: This next step can be a little tricky because you will be exposing the attachment tape and placing

the panel into position perfectly aligning the holes you piloted earner. The attachment tape is very aggressive
and will not allow you to reposition the panel should you accidently set it into the wrong location. To do this
correctly practice setting the panel a few time with the help of a friend to get acquainted with just how you will
set the panel and also to get a good idea of its final resting place. It will also help tremendously to use an awl or
ice pick to locate a couple of the holes through the hood panel as you set in into place. Once you are ready