American Car Craft Camaro Inner Fender Covers Perforated Deluxe 7Pc w_Fuse Box Cover 2011-2013 (Includes ZL1) User Manual
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1. (Step 1 is to install the shock tower dome covers)
Remove the factory prop by unbolting the base stud from the shock
tower bracket and then swing the prop forward to prop the hood onto the header. NOTE: The prop stud will unbolt from
the bracket only on the prop side. The nut you will see on the opposite side is actually welded to the bracket and cannot
be removed! Place a cloth under the prop end to protect the paint. You have been provided with four replacement 6MM
bolts and washers that contain a smaller screw threaded into the top of the bolts. These will be your attachment bolts
for your new covers. Remove the four factory bolts two on each fender. Then set the new replacement bolts in those
locations. You have been provided with four stainless fender washers for these bolts. You have also been provided with
four brass color smaller and thicker washers. PLEASE NOTE: These washers are only to be used if you are installing the
ACC front header or radiator covers. These washers will provide a way to accurately adjust the height of the new fender
cover so that they match each other. (Otherwise these washers will not be used.) You have been provided with two
chrome dome style covers. Set the covers over the convertible support rail and shock tower to get an idea about how
they are intended to fit. Once you can see how they set in place apply three Velcro cookies on the forward side of the
two shock towers. Peel the release liner from the hook side of the cookies exposing the adhesive and then set each
cookie at the already mounted furry half. Then set the two domes in there correct positions. NOTE: You will need to
relocate the cable on the driver's side under the fender ridge and trim the small tab containing a hole off the passenger
side harness channel. This is an insignificant tab made of a very thin soft plastic and can be trimmed away with a utility
knife and a few seconds; this will allow you to set the domes on and off as needed. You have been provided with a small
stainless steel tray to trim the large hole created in the passenger side dome provided for the hood prop. To install this
piece remove the prop stud you unbolted earlier from the prop.
2. Now that you have completed the dome part of the installation remove the two domes. Then remove the six factory
bolts securing the convertible shock tower cross bar and set the bar aside for a moment. Now set the new fender cover
in place and align the holes in the cover so that they line up with the fender bolts, because the fender bolt positions will
vary slightly from car to car the alignment of the hole may not be in the exact center of the bolt head. Although the
holes in the new cover are slotted it may be necessary in rare cases to ream the hole for better accuracy. It all depends
on your cars final bolt position. Should this become necessary all you will need to do is to slightly adjust the holes
opening with a pointed dye grinder. This common shop tool will allow you to make this adjustment in a few seconds
without warping and or damaging the metal surface. Install the two 6/32 truss head Phillips screws but be careful not to
over tighten these two screws at any time as this may result in snapping the screw into the bolt. Just snug will do fine.
2. Once the two screws have been installed mark the notch location of the back of the panel to the wiper cowl. You have
been provided with two small strips of black furry Velcro tape. This tape has been supplied to be placed at the contact
point of the panel to protect the wiper cowl from damage and also serve as an anti rattle element. Remove the panel
and then swipe the spot with the adhesive promoter provided. Apply the tape allowing it to roll over the front of the
cowl ridge to the underside and then press firmly to set it. Reinstall the new cover and peel the protective liner at both
screw locations and then reinstall the two screws. You have been provided with 4 furry ¾” Velcro donuts, peel the
release liner from the back of these donuts and place them over the 2 screw heads you just installed then press on the
1''chrome screw covers provided. Perform this same procedure for the opposite side and then remove the protective
liner from both fender covers. With both covers nicely installed, reinstall the cross bar completely.
3. You have been provided with a stainless steel tray to fill the area exposed by the large opening in the passenger side
dome. To install this simply place it into position over the exposed hole in the hood prop bracket and then install the
hood prop stud securing the tray in place. The tray should sit as far downward as possible and may need to be shaped a
little to match the new dome cover nicely. With the tray in place you can now set the two dome covers in place.
4. You have been provided with a chrome decorative positive terminal cover. This cover will just set over the red factory
terminal cover.