American Car Craft Ford Raptor Header Plate with Battery Cover & Fuse Box Perforated 2010-2013 User Manual

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smaller screws and snug them down. There is no need to over tighten these just snug will work fine. At this time take a
look at the center area to determine if this area is laying nice and strait across from one side to the other. More often
than not this will have a slight bow in the center. To fix this and prevent the cover from flapping or fluttering when
driving you will need to pilot two 9/64 holes at the two hole locations in the center of the cover. Then install the two
washer head zinc screws. Install these two screws down just enough to level the cover. Do not over tighten these screws
as this will cause the cover to dip in the center creating an unsightly appearance. Just level is all you will need to achieve

6. The fuse box cover should simply set atop the fuse box. Then line up the two holes with the clips you installed earlier
and secure the cover using the two decorative thumb screws provided.

7-Place the battery cover over the fluid neck and allow the corner tab to slide over the adjusted bolt head you arranged
earlier. Set the cover so it sits nicely into the surrounding frame area provided for it. With a pencil or fine marker draw
its position directly onto the main cover. Then remove the battery cover. Take a look at your drawing. This will indicate
just where you will be attaching the self stick stainless battery cover bracket. It is important to understand that the
bracket placement must consider the space needed for the Velcro attachment strips so you will need to set the bracket
about 1/8” to the inside of this drawing. This will allow you to attach the new cover in just the right spot. Closely
examine this before you peel and stick the bracket to make sure you do this correctly. The attachment tape is very
aggressive and permanent so it will not allow you to remove and reset the bracket so take your time here to get it just
right. When you are ready to install the bracket peel the protective liner off the entire cover as well as the fuse box
cover and then scrub the new cover with alcohol along this outlined area as well as all three fluid caps to remove any
and all dirt. Once this is done apply the adhesive promoter to all three fluid caps and along the inside of the battery
cover bracket area. Then carefully peel the red release liner from the attachment tape of the stainless bracket and press
it into position. Press firmly along its mount to thoroughly set the bond

8-Before you can set the battery cover in place pilot a 9/64 hole directly into the factory battery box rim where the new
covers support tab sets in place. Then slide on the remaining clip nut at that location. (see pic.#8) Then install the black
washer head screw to secure the new cover at this point. Then remove the windshield washer cap and trim away the
lasso strap and finger tab so that you just have a round cap and then snap it back onto the tank neck. Then set the new
battery cover in place and remove the protective liner.

9- You have been provided with three decorative chrome fluid caps. These caps each contain a Velcro cookie attached to
the underside. Remove the cookie half remove the release liner from the cookie and press them directly onto the
factory fluid caps. Then simply place the decorative caps in place. You have been provided with four Velcro attachment
donuts. These donuts are designed to set around each of the four mounting screws of the main cover. Peel the release
liner from each of the furry donut half’s and set them over the attachment screws directly to the new cover. Then set
the remaining half into the four 1” decorative screw covers. Press the donuts nice and firmly centered. Then set them
atop of the four screws to finish the installation.

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