American Car Craft Ford Raptor Header Plate with Battery Cover & Fuse Box Perforated 2010-2013 User Manual
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Liner Information: Your new accessories will come to you with a protective surface liner. Leave this liner in place until
the installation is complete to prevent finger prints and or possible scratches during installation.
1-The first step will be to make some clearance for your new cover. You will notice that there will be a large wire harness
running across the front of the fuse box attached to a cast aluminum bracket. Detach this harness from the bracket and
remove the two retainers from the harness. Disassemble the bracket from the black plastic front half of the bracket and
separate this area just enough to allow you to force the wire harness into the radiator channel and then reconnect the
bracket. This will create a new and stable routing of this harness. The idea here is to force everything around the fuse
box area to sit below the cast aluminum bracket creating a level plane for the new cover to sit over. You will notice an
A/C line sticking up quite a bit on the driver side of the fuse box. There should be enough flexibility in this line for you to
be able to force this line down and tight to the top of the fan shroud. The line is sort of shaped in a way that will allow
you to set the line into the radiator channel and over the wire harness you just repositioned from the fuse box on that
side. (See #1) once you have manipulated the line into this position simply zip-tie it in place locking this new position.
2-Moving to the left of the fuse box area you will notice that there are two battery cables emanating from the passenger
side of the fuse box that sort of jet out to the side. Force these two cables down and tight to the harness just below
them and secure this position with another zip tie. Try to get these cables into a tight bend to be sure they will not come
into contact with the new cover and have plenty of clearance. Add a couple more zip ties securing the cable running
directly to the battery and also to the battery terminal cover. (See #2-3-4)
You will notice that you have exposed two holes on the left and right side of the cast aluminum bracket when you
relocated the large wire harness. We have supplied you with a couple of clip nuts to be placed over these holes. This will
create the mounting location for the new fuse box. Be sure to slide the clip the nuts on so that the threaded side of the
clip in facing down. (See #5)
3. The next step for this installation will be to remove the four factory front headlight mounting bracket bolts and
replace them with the four special tapped 1” 6MM bolts and flat washers provided and snug them down.(see pic.#6) Be
careful not to over wrench these bolts as they are hollow and can snap under excessive tightening. This will create the
mounting locations for your new cover.
4-You will notice a factory bolt securing a ground cable just in front of the hood strut on the passenger side of the engine
bay. We are going to use this bolt to secure the far end of the battery cover. To make use of this bolt detach it from the
inner fender and remove the ground cable. Re-attach the bolt but allow it to remain loose enough for you to stick a
small flat blade screw driver between the head of the bolt and inner fender wall. (See #7) This will create a mounting pin
for the new battery covers slotted mounting tab. Relocate the ground cable at the additional ground cable bolt location
just below this upper one and tighten it securely. Never leave any ground cables loose as this will cause malfunction of
electrical components.
5- Now that you have successful completed all necessary clearance and mounting procedures you can begin to install
the main radiator support cover. Before you start take a glance at the fuse box areas and everything you did to make
sure nothing is sticking up higher than the cast aluminum bracket in front of the fuse box. If all is clear then bend the
battery cover tab at the left side of the radiator cover. You will notice that this tab will have two rows of slits cut into it.
These slits are provided to allow you to bend the tab down by hand and then out which will allow this tab to rest directly
onto the battery box rim providing a stable footing at that point of the cover. Set the new cover in position and align all
four mounting whole locations. You may need to jostle the new cover a little to allow it to place over the cast aluminum
bracket and then to the front hole locations. Lift up on the far right side of the cove just enough to allow you to place
one of the two green spacers over the far end bolt location and then loosely install one of the two ¾ 6/32 (longer one).
Then do the same for the opposite side. After these two screws are in then go ahead and install the two remaining