American Car Craft Mustang Front Header Plate 11Pc Polished V8 & GT 5.0 2013 User Manual

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hang and then force them into the deep curve so that the section line up closely to the crease in the
front area of the header. Reinstall the two plastic retainers to hold the perforated section in place. You
will need to force the two retainers back in due to the extra thickness of the two sections. Then using a
9/64 drill bit drill two pilot holes at the two corners of each section. This is necessary to do in order to
be able to hold the two sections into their intended positions. Once the two holes are piloted set the
section with the two long stainless screws provided. When you install the screw you don’t need to ram
them down tight. Just snug will do the trick and hold these sections into the correct position. It is
important to understand that these two perforated sections will NOT contour to this area exactly how
the plastic is molded but they will contour close enough to look correct.

6. Now that all seven main sections have been successfully installed you can place all the decorative

pieces in. You have been provided with five 1” decorative chrome caps that contain butyl putty. Peel
the paper liner from the butyl and press these onto the factory retainers securing the plastic header to
the car to give these a nice custom look. You have been provided with one chrome cap with a stud to
be used at the far right hole closest to the driver side fender.

7. You have been provided with two small sections to be applied to the two remaining areas of the

header simply peel the red liner and press them in place. Now you can remove the protective liner to
expose your beautiful new header.

8. The last thing to do will be to install the decorative windshield washer fill spout cover. Simply remove

the Velcro attachment cookie and set it atop the factory cap and then simply set the new chrome cap
in place to finish the installation.

Please call American Car Craft at 727.861.1500, if you have any questions during installation.

Thank your and enjoy your purchase!

American Car Craft LLC

18924 Sakera Rd Hudson, FL. 34667

Ph 727.861.1500 Fax 727.861.1520