American Car Craft Mustang Front Header Plate 11Pc Polished V8 & GT 5.0 2013 User Manual

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This kit has been designed to fit over the factory black plastic header cover. This kit will

eliminate the factory hood prop rod and a polished replacement prop stick has been provided. The factory
prop rod must be permanently remove as well as the rods plastic retainer. This retainer can either be molded
into the factory cover in which case must be shaved off or your mustang can have a separate retainer clip that
can easily be detached.


Your new accessories will come to you with a protective surface liner. Leave this liner in place until the installation is

complete to prevent finger prints and/or possible scratches during installation.

The first step for this application is the surface preparation. If you have treated your factory header with any
type of surface dressing such as armor all this application WILL NOT work until all such treatments have been
completely removed! You may need to contact the manufacturer to learn about what type of cleaners or
solvents will effectively remove any such treatments. One we can recommend is the 3M adhesive remover
and cleaner ITEM 08984

1. Scrub the entire surface of the factory cover with some steel wool or scotch pad to ruff up the surface.

Then scrub the surface again with alcohol to remove the dust created and to clean the surface

2. Swipe the entire surface with the adhesive promoter provided in the kit. This chemical is NOT a cleaner

but an adhesive accelerator and is a critical part of this installation. It must be used as directed in order
to insure a good long lasting and permanent bond.

3. Now that the surface has been properly prepared you can begin to install all the sections. Before you

install any of the sections place them into position to get yourself acquainted with their intended
positions and also to sort of rehearse just how you will set each section. The attachment tape is very
aggressive and will not allow you to reposition any section once attached. Start with the very center
section. Make sure that the radiators over flow tank hose have been positioned as far back as possible.
Peel the red release liner from the back of the center section and then align it exactly to the shape of
the opening in the factory cover. The back edge will overlap about a half an inch and the two front
corner edges just slightly. Press firmly with a soft cloth to set the bond.

4. Check the fitment of the next two outer sections and tweak their shape if necessary to insure that they

set in place perfectly. Align the back edge with the center section and set these two sections so that
you have a slight overhang along the front edge as well. The purpose of the slight overhand is to
provide a space for the two front perforated sections to tuck under all the sections. Remove the
release liner and press these firmly in place repeat process for the 2 remaining outer sections.

5. With all the five main section properly attached you can now install the two perforated sections these

two sections are a little more difficult to install because you will need to force them into the curved
shape of the plastic header. Before you begin remove the two large plastic retainers in the curves area.
You can do this by pulling the plastic nail at the very center of the retainer which will allow you to pull
the rest of the retainer from the cover completely. Place the sections under the main sections over