B&B Electronics USO9ML2DR-LS - Datasheet User Manual

Isolated usb/rs-232 converters, Uso9ml2dr-x, Locked serial numbers explained

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isolated usB/rs-232 Converters


Universal Serial Bus (USB) has become the connectivity workhorse of
today’s PCs, replacing the familiar serial port. However, many commercial
and industrial devices still use serial interfaces. To connect these devices to
modern PCs, you need a simple and reliable conversion solution.

The USO9ML2DR USB/RS-232 converter series offers this solution in an
industrial DIN mount enclosure. Connect legacy RS-232 devices to a USB
port and gain 3000 V RMS isolation from voltage spikes and ground loops.

These devices are perfect for industrial automation, SCADA, point of
sale, or medical. Simply plug the converter into an available USB port on
your computer or USB hub and install the drivers supplied on CD ROM.
The device will show up as additional COM ports in the Windows Device
Manager which are fully compatible with your Windows applications. A one
meter USB cable is included.

• Connects 1 or 2 RS-232 devices to your USB port
• 3000 V RMS port-to-port optical isolation
• 15 KV ESD surge protection
• USB port powered
• RS-232 data rates up to 460.8 kbps
• LEDs indicate data flow on RS-232 ports
• High retention USB interface ensures reliable connection

ProduCt Features

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Isolated USB to RS-232 Converter, 1 port


Isolated USB to RS-232 Converter, 2 port


Locked Serial Number version of USO9ML2DR


USBAMBM-3F - 1 m (3 ft.) USB cable (one included)
USBAMBM-6F - 2 m (6 ft.) USB cable
9PAMF6 - 2 m (6 ft.) DB9 male to DB9 female serial cable
9PAMF10 - 3 m (10 ft.) DB9 male to DB9 female serial cable
232NM9 - 3 m (6 ft.) DB9 female to DB9 female null modem cable
232NM9MF10 - 3 m (10 ft.) DB9 male to DB9 female null modem cable
DRPM25 - Panel mount adapter

locked Serial numbers explained

We configure our single-port USB to serial converters in two ways. In

standard format, each product has a unique serial number. “Locked serial”

format uses the same serial number that is associated with a model type.

If your converter will always be used with the same computer, the standard

serialized model is all you need. If the converter is shared among several

computers, like field service laptops, the locked serial number model lets

you plug and play without having to worry about matching the two.






Every unit is assigned a unique COM port


Same type model numbers shares the same COM port


Ideal applications





When ordering Locked Serial Number versions, add a “-LS” to the item

number. Serialized and Lock Serial Number versions sell for the same price.
