Rainbow Electronics SBC35-A9G20-C11 User Manual

Page 8

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Based on a Power-on Reset Cell, Reset Source Identification and Reset Output Control

Clock Generator (CKGR)

Selectable 32768Hz Low-power Oscillator or Internal Low Power RC Oscillator on
Battery Backup Power Supply, Providing a Permanent Slow Clock

3 to 20 MHz On-chip Oscillator, One up to 800 MHz PLL and One up to 100 MHz PLL

Power Management Controller (PMC)

Very Slow Clock Operating Mode, Software Programmable Power Optimization

Two Programmable External Clock Signals

Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC)

Individually Maskable, Eight-level Priority, Vectored Interrupt Sources

Three External Interrupt Sources and One Fast Interrupt Source, Spurious Interrupt

Debug Unit (DBGU)

2-wire UART and Support for Debug Communication Channel, Programmable ICE
Access Prevention

Periodic Interval Timer (PIT)

20-bit Interval Timer plus 12-bit Interval Counter

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

Key-protected, Programmable Only Once, Windowed 16-bit Counter Running at Slow

Real-time Timer (RTT)

32-bit Free-running Backup Counter Running at Slow Clock with 16-bit Prescaler

One 4-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter

Three 32-bit Parallel Input/Output Controllers (PIOA, PIOB, PIOC)

96 Programmable I/O Lines Multiplexed with up to Two Peripheral I/Os

Input Change Interrupt Capability on Each I/O Line

Individually Programmable Open-drain, Pull-up Resistor and Synchronous Output

High-current Drive I/O Lines, Up to 16 mA Each

Peripheral DMA Controller Channels (PDC)

One Two-slot MultiMedia Card Interface (MCI)

SDCard/SDIO and MultiMediaCard™ Compliant

Automatic Protocol Control and Fast Automatic Data Transfers with PDC

One Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)

Independent Clock and Frame Sync Signals for Each Receiver and Transmitter

I²S Analog Interface Support, Time Division Multiplex Support

High-speed Continuous Data Stream Capabilities with 32-bit Data Transfer

Four Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters (USART)

Individual Baud Rate Generator, IrDA® Infrared Modulation/Demodulation,

Datasheet USG-00019-A01
