3 0 applications information – Rainbow Electronics ADC10158 User Manual

Page 21

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3 0 Applications Information


TL H 11225 – 23

FIGURE 5 Analog Input Model

The curve ‘‘Signal to Noise Ratio vs Output Frequency’’

(Figure 6)

gives an indication of the usable bandwidth of the

ADC10154 ADC10158 The signal-to-noise ratio of an ideal
A D is the ratio of the RMS value of the full scale input
signal amplitude to the value of the total error amplitude
(including noise) caused by the transfer function of the A D
An ideal 10-bit plus sign A D converter with a total unadjust-
ed error of 0 LSB would have a signal-to-noise ratio of about
68 dB which can be derived from the equation

S N e 6 02(n) a 1 8

where S N is in dB and n is the number of bits

Figure 2

shows the signal-to-noise ratio vs input frequency of a typi-
cal ADC10154 ADC10158 with

LSB total unadjusted er-

ror The dotted lines show signal-to-noise ratios for an ideal
(noiseless) 10-bit A D with 0 LSB error and an A D with a 1
LSB error

SNR vs Input Frequency

TL H 11225 – 24

FIGURE 6 ADC10154 ADC10158

Signal-to-Noise Ratio vs Input Frequency

The sample-and-hold error specifications are included in the
error and timing specifications of the A D The hold step
and gain error sample hold specs are included in the
ADC10154 ADC10158’s total unadjusted



and offset error specifications while the hold settling time is
included in the A D’s maximum conversion time specifica-
tion The hold droop rate can be thought of as being zero
since an unlimited amount of time can pass between a con-
version and the reading of data The data is lost after a new
conversion has been completed