Modulation, Advanced flanger, Through zero flanger – negative/positive – TC Electronic G-Major 2 User Manual

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Advanced Flanger

In addition to the parameters of the Classic

Flanger, the Advanced Flanger offers the

following settings:
Fla Dl – Flanger Delay

Range: 0 to 50 ms

Typically, Delay values around 5 ms are used

for Flanging effects, whereas Chorus effects

occur with Delay times around 10 ms. You are

free, however, to choose Delay times from 0 to

50 ms.
Gold – Golden Ratio

Settings: Off/On

TC research has shown that when the speed of

a modulation effect is increased, its depth

should be decreased accordingly to achieve the

same amount of perceived modulation. When

the Golden Ratio parameter is set to “On”, this

value is automatically calculated. Golden Ratio

is a feature inherited from the classic TC 2290

PhaRev – Phase Reverse

Settings: Off/On

Setting this parameter to “On” reverses the

phase of the processed signal in the right

channel. This gives a very wide Flange effect

and a less defined sound.

Through Zero Flanger –


The TZF Mode Flanger emulates the original

way of creating a flange effect where two

identical pieces of audio material were played

back simultaneously on two tape decks and

then mixed on a third deck. The flanging effect

was achieved by slowing down and speeding

up the two decks at different times. An essential

part of the special effect created this way is the

unique phase cancellation occurring when the

two signals pass each other in time (the zero

point). A conventional Flanger pedal/algorithm

tries to emulate this effect, but because the two

signals will never cross each other in time, until

now, phase cancellation wasn’t possible.

Parameters: For a TZF Flanger to be truly

"through-zero" the mix -setting must be

50/50%. Therefore the TZF Flanger has all the

same parameters as the Classic Flanger but no

adjustable Mix.