Midi menu, Midi mapping – TC Electronic G-Major 2 User Manual

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In the MIDI menu, you will find all global

MIDI-related parameters of G-Major 2.
MIDI Channel

Settings: Off / 1 to 16 / Omni

Defines the responding MIDI channel of

G-Major 2. If you select “Omni”, G-Major 2 will

respond to MIDI messages received on any

MIDI Program Change

Settings: On/Off

This parameter determines whether G-Major 2

should respond to received MIDI program

changes or not.
Bulk Dump

Press ENTER to perform a total Bulk dump of

all presets to an external MIDI device (such as

a MIDI sequencer).

G-Major 2 is always ready to receive MIDI Bulk

dump information. For more information on this

topic, see the section “Presets Backup via

MIDI”. Single presets and current settings can

be sent and received via Sysex.

The Send Tuner parameter MUST be

set to “Off” when performing a bulk

dump. The Send Tuner parameter is

located in the Global menu.

Program Bank

This parameter determines which bank an

external MIDI device will address in G-Major 2

when a program change message is received.

The options are “External”, “Factory”, “User” or


When “External” is selected, Controller #0 can

be used to address either the Factory or the

User bank.

To access the Factory bank, set Controller #0

to “0”. To access the User bank, set Controller

#0 to “1”.
SysEx ID

This parameter determines the SysEx ID

number of G-Major 2.
MIDI Clock

Settings: On/Off

The Global Tap Tempo can be synchronized to

an incoming MIDI clock, e.g. from a MIDI


Use this feature e.g. to keep a delay in sync

with the tempo of the song.


What is MIDI Mapping?

With G-Major 2 it is possible to use an

incoming MIDI program change message (with

a value from 1 to 128) to recall any Factory or

User preset. This feature is called MIDI


Example: You send program change #1 to both

your G-Major 2 and your MIDI preamp (or

another MIDI device). However, you would like

G-Major 2 to recall another preset instead of

#1. This is exactly what MIDI mapping can do.

To enter the MIDI Mapping functions:

• Press the MIDI key.

• Select the Prg Bank parameter and set it to

“Custom” using the ADJUST wheel. Press


The display now reads:

• This is the incoming preset number you are

about to map. Select a value between 1 and


• Now select “Map To” by pressing the


• Use the ADJUST wheel to select which

preset you want to map this incoming preset

number to. In the above example, a received

program change #1 would be mapped to

Factory preset #7.

• Repeat these steps for all the programs you

wish to map.

The User bank is located after the

Factory Bank. You can also choose to

map an incoming preset number to

“None” if you wish to let G-Major 2 ignore

the incoming program change.

Reset MIDI Map

By resetting the MIDI map, incoming program

change message #1 will be mapped to Factory

bank preset #1, program change #2 will be

mapped to Factory bank preset #2 and so forth.

• Select “Reset Map” using the ADJUST wheel.

• Press ENTER to reset the entire MIDI Map.