Levels all and relay 1+2, En g l is h – TC Electronic G-Major 2 User Manual

Page 24

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Basic Operation

• Press the LEVELS/ROUTING key to enter

this menu.

• Use the UP/DOWN keys and the ADJUST

wheel to select and edit parameters and


Preset Out Level

Range: Off (-100 dB) to 0 dB.

Defines the output level of the current preset.

With this parameter you can set individual

levels for each preset. Maybe you want a

different level for rhythm and lead presets.

The Preset Out level is stored as part of each


Please note that all Factory presets are

set to -6 dB, leaving headroom for

boosting a preset when it is required. An

example on how to setup a solo level is

given in the “How To” section of this

Global In Level

Range: Off (-100 dB) to 0 dB

Defines the overall input level of G-Major 2.

As the name implies, this input level setting is

global and therefore not stored as part of


If you are using an expression pedal to

control your overall volume (i.e., making

“volume swells”), you should assign this

parameter to the expression/volume

pedal. This way, long delays and

reverbs will ring out naturally even after

the pedal is turned down.

Global Out Level

Range: Off (-100 dB) to 0 dB

Defines the overall output level of G-Major 2.

As the name implies, this output level setting is

global and therefore not stored as part of


Other than the Global In Level parameter

described above, you can use the Global Out

level parameter as an overall volume control for

your guitar setup (this includes the delay,

reverb and other signal processing in the

G-Major 2).

Kill Dry

Settings: On/Off

We always recommend using G-Major 2 in a

serial or loop setup as this will allow you to

benefit from all the unit’s effects and features.

If, however, you intend to use G-Major 2 in a

parallel setup or a parallel loop, its Kill Dry

function will come in handy.

With Kill Dry activated, no direct signal is

passed to the outputs of G-Major 2.
A few comments regarding the Kill Dry function

and a parallel setup:

First of all:

• In such a setup, we recommend using the

Parallel routing.

• When the Kill Dry parameter is set to “On”,

no clean signal is passed to the outputs, and

the “Mix” parameter changes to “Wet” in all


You should also be aware that the way the

signal is routed in a parallel loop is similar to

the signal path within a mixer. The signal is

split: One part runs unprocessed to the output

and never passes the actual effects processor.

The other part of the signal is processed within

G-Major 2 and summed with the unprocessed


Therefore, you will not get to enjoy the benefits

from all effects when running a parallel setup.

This goes especially for level-based effects

such as Tremolo and Panner, but the

Chorus/Flanger/ Phaser/Vibrato and Pitch

blocks will be affected as well.