Moog Music MF-107 FreqBox User Manual

Page 19

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envelope follower CV is applied to the VCO frequency. Note that the

envelope follower CV is ADDED to the setting of the Freq control.

The VCO frequency can be swept by the envelope follower CV over 8

octaves, more than the Freq control on the front panel. Be aware that the

setting of the Env. Amount control depends a great deal on the setting

of the Drive control, as it is the drive signal that is used to extract the

dynamic information. The optimum setting of the drive control is such

that average levels cause the Level LED to light mostly Yellow-Orange,

and peak levels might cause a little red. If the Drive control is cranked

for distortion, then the performance of the envelope follower is reduced

in responsiveness as the drive signal is compressed somewhat from the

clipping of the signal.

FM Amount: The FM Amount control is used for setting the amount

of the drive signal that frequency modulates the VCO. When the

FM amount is all the way counterclockwise, none of the drive signal

modulates the VCO. As the control is turned clockwise, the amount of

FM increases. Note that because the depth of FM is also related to the

strength of the drive signal, that the Drive control and the dynamics of

the input signal affect the depth of the FM. For a stronger maximum

FM effect, increase the Drive amount. The type of input signal has a

significant impact on the output when using FM. The simpler the input

signal’s waveform, the more predictable the results will be. A more

complex input creates more sidebands and thus a more chaotic sound.

The waveform of the VCO also has a great deal to do with the results,

as the brighter waveforms (saw, square, and pulse) create a lot of


Mix: The Mix control sets the balance of drive signal to VCO signal.

When the Mix control is fully counterclockwise, the output is 100% the

input signal. When the Mix control is in the center the output is 50%

input signal and 50% VCO signal. When the Mix control is all the way

clockwise, the output is 100% the VCO signal.

The Back Panel

Audio connections: The Audio In and Audio Out Jacks are standard 1⁄4"

unbalanced connections. Connect your instrument or signal to the Audio

In and connect the Audio Out to your amplifier or mixer.

CV/Expression Inputs: There are five standard 1⁄4" inputs for control