Programming – Grain Systems PNEG-1499 User Manual

Page 13

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PNEG-1499 High / Low Thermostat


Programming Set Points

Programming can be done anytime that the thermo-
stat control is receiving power, even when the heater
is in operation.


Press the SET key once to set temperature scale

mode. Use the UP or DOWN arrow key to toggle
between F for degrees Fahrenheit or C for degrees


Press the SET key again. “S1” should now flash

at the left side of the screen. Press the UP arrow to
increase or the DOWN arrow to decrease the setpoint
to the desired temperature.

Cycle Set Point - If the plenum temperature
increases above this point, the flame is reduced to
“Low Flame”.


Press the SET key again. “DIF1” should now flash

at the left side of the screen. Press the UP arrow to
increase or the DOWN arrow to decrease the differen-
tial to the desired setting.

Temperature Differential 1 - If the flame shuts off
because the temperature is greater than the Cycle
Set Point, then the temperature must fall below the
(Set Point minus Temperature Differential) for the
flame to come back on. Heater will resume high
flame operation.


Press the SET key again. “H1” should appear on

the screen. This must read “H1” for the heater to
operate correctly. If not, use the arrow keys to scroll
through the values until the screen reads “H1”.


Press the SET key again. “S2” should now flash

at the left side of the screen. Press the UP arrow to
increase or the DOWN arrow to decrease the setpoint
to the desired temperature.

High Limit Set Point - If the plenum temperature
increases above this point, the flame is shut off --
“OFF Cycle”.


Press the SET key again. “DIF2” should now flash

at the left side of the screen. Press the UP arrow to
increase or the DOWN arrow to decrease the differen-
tial to the desired setting.

Temperature Differential 2 - If the flame shuts off
because the temperature is greater than the High
Limit Set Point, then the temperature must fall
below the (Set Point minus Temperature Differen
tial) for the flame to come back on. Heater will
resume low flame operation.


Press the SET key again. “H2” should appear on

the screen. This must read “H2” for the heater to
operate correctly. If not, use the arrow keys to scroll
through the values until the screen reads “H2”.


Press the SET key again.
This will end programming.

The Thermostat Control will automatically end program-
ming if no keys are pressed for a period of 30 seconds.
Any settings that have been input to the control will be
accepted at that point.

All control settings are retained in memory. Re-program-
ming is not necessary after power outages or discon-
nects unless different control settings are required.

The temperature differentials can be set from 1-30 de-
grees. It is recommended that these temperature differ-
entials be set in the range of 10-15 °F for high tempera-
ture units, and 1-5 °F for low temperature units.