Manual setup instructions – Grain Systems PNEG-1544 User Manual
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3. SCR Drive Setup
PNEG-1544 Vision SCR Board Calibration
Manual Setup Instructions
IMPORTANT: All of the speed controls on the SCR Drive are now set in the Vision Software using the touch
screen on the dryer control panel. Do not try to setup the SCR drive using the minimum and
maximum potentiometers on the SCR Board. Make sure the CL potentiometer is set at the
4 o’clock position and the IR potentiometer is set to the 10 o’clock position.
1. Locate the Main I/O Board in the upper control box. For a reference,
Near the bottom of the Main I/O board are two (2) potentiometers labeled SET MINIMUM and
Turn both of these potentiometers as far to the right (clockwise)
as they will go.
NOTE: Be careful not to turn the potentiometers too far or with too much force. They only turn
approximately one revolution and too much force or attempting to turn them too far could
result in broken parts.
Figure 3D Main I/O Board with a Close Up View of the
Set Minimum and Set Maximum Potentiometers