Velleman projects K8045 Assembly instructions User Manual

Modifications reserved
Features :
Add an LCD display to any low-tech application and make it look high-tech !
Replace up to 9 indicators or lamps by one single backlit LCD.
Recall messages simply by pressing a button.
Inputs accept dry contacts, open collectors and logic levels.
No programming skills required !
Store up to 9 sixteen-character messages in non-volatile EEPROM memory.
4 operating modes :
1) Display the status of all inputs simultaneously.
2) Display all active inputs.
3) Display active input with highest priority.
4) Display text messages in a ‘tickertape’-fashion.
A default message can be entered and is displayed when no inputs are active.
Messages can be transferred to the K8045 from any PC or terminal.
Free message transfer software and source code for the K8045 is available
Wireless data transfer between PC/terminal and K8045 is possible with op-
tional RX/TX433 modules.
1 on-board pushbutton available for your application.
Total solder points: 239
Difficulty level:
beginner 1 2 3 4 5 advanced
8 Input programmable messageboard
with LCD & serial interface
Specifications :
Inputs : 8 inputs (24Vmax)
Display : 16 character 1 line supertwist backlit LCD
Communication : RS232 2400/N/8/1 no handshaking
Power supply : 9-12VDC/150mA adapter or
2x9VAC/150mA transformer
Dimensions : 124x73x30mm max.