Digital imaging order form, Shipping address – TROY Group Digital Imaging Order Form User Manual

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Digital Imaging Order Form

Document #11-19295-001 Rev. R

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Section B: Billing and Authorization Form

Billing Address

Company Name __________ _________________________________PO# ___________________________

Address ______________ ________________________City________________ State ______ ZIP___________

Attention _____ ________________________________________ Telephone __________________________

Shipping Address

(if different from billing address)

Company Name __________ _________________________________PO# ___________________________

Address ______________ ________________________City________________ State ______ ZIP___________

Attention _____ ________________________________________ Telephone __________________________

E-Mail address____________ _________________________________

All orders will be shipped UPS ground unless otherwise specified. Please note your preference below:
SHIP VIA: _________________ _______________ FREIGHT ACCT# (Optional) __________________________

Signature Authorization (must be completed to process order)

Payment Information (If buying through a Reseller Net 30 credit account only notes Reseller and PO #)

Major credit cards accepted (Please circle one): VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS

CC#_____________________ ________________EXP. Date: _________________ SEC CODE: _________

______________________________________ ____ ______ __________________________________
Cardholder’s Name (Please Print) Cardholder’s Signature

Billing Address of Credit Card ____________________________________________________________ __

Authorizing Signature Date __________________

Authorizing Name (please print) _________ __ ____________________________________________

Title ______________________ ___________ Company ________ _________________ ___________

I hereby authorize the signatures(s) appearing on the TROY Signature Form (Section D), to be digitally imaged for use on digital

printing equipment. Attached are the actual signature(s) from Section D and any other original logo/graphic image(s) as

designated on the Logo/Graphic Mounting Form (Section x) to be digitized. The programmed image device(s) (CARD, DIMM, or

Serial Bus), including any additional programming information (when appropriate), will be delivered to an alternate address if

provided above.