Figure 6.0 - toner removal, Figure 7 – TROY Group Laser Indelible Solution White Paper Datasheet User Manual

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October, 2011

Copyright 2011 TROY Group Inc.

TROY Group, Inc. • 3 Bryan Drive • Wheeling, WV 26003 USA

Phone (304) 232-0899 • Toll Free (800) 633-2266 • Fax (304) 232-0996 • • [email protected]

Figure 7

Figure 6.0 - Toner Removal


As previously noted, the red indelible image provides a visual fraud deterrent as well as an
easy way to help determine document authenticity. One of the considerations when using the
TROY Laser Indelible Solution is the rate at which the indelible image is formed.

TROY Laser Indelible Solution (TLIS)
Once a document is printed using the TROY Laser Indelible Solution, the formation of
the image occurs gradually over a period of several days (Figure 8). If toner is
removed from the face of a document, you will see the red image on the front in the
first 3 or 4 hours after printing. After the first 24 hours, you will begin to see the red
image on the reverse side of the document. After 48 hours, the red image is obvious
on the back of the document. Over several days, the red image appears more vividly.
After a week, the dye will also appear on the front side of the document as shown in
figure 7.

TROY Extended Laser Indelible Solution
The TROY Extended Laser Indelible Solution was designed to provide a longer-lasting
indelible image on the reverse side of the document. Once a document is printed
using the TROY Extended Laser Indelible Solution, the formation of the image occurs
gradually over a period of fourteen days (Figure 9). After this time period, the red
image is visible on the reverse side of the document. The TROY Extended Laser
Indelible Solution should be utilized for documents that require a longer-lasting
security feature (e.g. educational transcripts, shipping documents).