Spicer ES-165-10H User Manual

Spicer, Axles & brakes

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Axles & Brakes



Removal and Installation Instructions for ES-165-6H and ES-165-10H
Anchor Pin Replacement

Shown below are important instructions for the removal and replacement of the anchor pins on the ES165-6H and 165-
10H brakes on Neoplan Transit Buses. These parts and procedures are only for the Dana models listed in the charts.

WARNING: The long-term effects of non-asbestos fibers have not been determined. Therefore, precautions
should be used when handling these materials.

Follow safety precautions to ensure your safety while working on vehicle.


1. Perform steps necessary for drum removal.

2. Remove cap screws and dustshield, if applicable.

3. Remove retaining ring and washer from drum side of each anchor pin.

4. To allow removal of anchor pin, cut lock wire and remove cap screws from spider.

5. Remove upper anchor pin with a brass drift or a mallet.

6. Rotate upper shoe around cam end, disengage roller end from cam, then unhook return spring from shoe and remove

upper shoe.

7. Remove lower anchor pin with a brass drift or a mallet and remove lower shoe.

Fig. 1A Fig. 1B

8. With emery cloth or file clean rust and debris from around the anchor pin bore area of the brake spider. See figure 1A

and 1B.