Spicer Steer Axle Beam Design Change Requires Different Design Thrust Bearings in “E” and “EFA” Series Steer Axles User Manual

Spicer, Axles & brakes

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Axles & Brakes


Information Bulletin

Bulletin Type: Parts Information

Topic: Steer Axle Beam Design Change Requires Different Design Thrust Bearings in

“E” and “EFA” Series Steer Axles

Affected Models:

E-1460I/W, EFA-20F4, EFA-22T2, 24T2, EFA-22T5, 24T5

On January 1, 2000, the steer axle beams of the models listed above were changed to accommodate a more robust and
commonly used thrust bearing. This design change was a running change based on customers and inventories and
part numbers of the beams were not changed. With this change additional kingpin service kits with the correct thrust
bearings are being released. The new service kits being released through this bulletin will address both the old and
current design models.


Bearing: 220HC104 - The nominal thickness of the new production thrust bearing P/N 220HC104 is .937” and can
be identified by the industry stamping ID# T188S. It has a yellow seal and the design is such that it cannot be
used in models having the old beam design produced before Jan 1,2000.

Bearing: 811523 - The nominal thickness of the old thrust bearing P/N 811523 is .906” and has an industry
stamping ID# of T189S. The color of this thrust bearing seal was changed from yellow to red at the same time the
beam change took place.

For identification purposes both the 811523 (Used in Models BEFORE 1-1-00) and the 220HC104 (Used in Models
AFTER 1/1/00) are pictured below. If servicing steer axles or vehicles built from this time frame and a replacement
kingpin kit is required, identification of the thrust bearing by industry ID# is the best method to determine the correct kit.

Dana P/N: 811523

Used BEFORE 1-1-00
Industry ID# T189S
Nominal Thickness - .906
Seal Color: Red*
*Original 811523 bearing
seal was yellow, it was
changed to RED beginning
Jan 2000.

Dana P/N: 220HC104

Used AFTER 1-1-00
Industry ID# - T188S
Nominal Thickness - .937
Seal Color: Yellow

This bulletin contains product information.

Dana Corporation is not committed or liable for canvassing existing product.

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