KC HiLiTES KC #74281 Front Light Bar 2010-11 Ford Raptor Installation User Manual

Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality, best
engineered systems possible. Your satisfaction with our product is important, so if you have any
questions, please call our customer service line at 800-528-0950.
Estimated install time for one person with hand tools on level ground is 1 hour.
Parts Included in Box
Tools Required for Installation
2 - 1/4” x 3/4” Stainless button-head bolt
3/8” drive ratchet
2 - 1/4” Nylok nut
3/8” short extension
2 - 1/4” Thin flat washer
15mm socket
2 - 1/4” Thick flat washer
15mm open end wrench
1 - KC front mount light bar
5/32” Allen wrench
7/16” Open end box wrench
Installing the Bar
1. Remove skid plate. Then remove front skid plate from mounting brackets.
2. Do not completely remove tow hooks. Loosen rear bolt for each tow hook and remove the front
bolt from each tow hook. CAUTION - Rear bolt hole in tow hook is key hole slotted and could fall
off if pushed rearward during bar install.
3. The rear tow hook bolts should be loose enough to allow the light bar brackets to slide between
the frame and the tow hook.
4. Slide the light bar brackets between the
frame and tow hooks. Loosely reinstall the
forward tow hook bolts, but do not tighten at
this time.
5. Open the hood to gain access to the license
plate bolt holes.
6. Using the supplied 1/4” hardware, fasten
the center mount of the light bar to the
license plate holes in the bumper. NOTE - If
using a front license plate, you must
elongate each of the holes in the license
plate outwardly approximately 1/8 inch and
discard the OE plastic license plate holder.
Start one thin flat washer on each of the bolts, place the bolts through the light bar brackets and
into the bumper. Install a thick flat washer and nut on each of the bolts from the back side.
7. Center the light bar on the truck and tighten the center bolts and then the tow hook bolts.
8. Replace the skid plate and tighten the hardware.
You’re DONE! - - - - - - - Install your KC lights and enjoy.
- - - WARNING - - -
Adding this equipment to the front end of the vehicle will affect the
performance of the airbag system, increasing the risk of injury.
Installation Instructions for
KC 74281 Front Light Bar
2010-11 Ford Raptor
KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com
KC3266VA - 021511