Hotchkis 22110 Sway Bars, Set, 10-11 Camaro, Competition User Manual

Page 8

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Detach the Sway Bar Bushing Brackets

The sway bar is attached by 2 bushing brackets, one on each side. Undo the 2 bolts per bracket to detach the
sway bar from the subframe. The bar should be loose from the vehicle. There is enough room to fish the bar

completely out without dropping the stock exhaust. (Note: If you are running an aftermarket exhaust, you may need

to drop the rear section of the exhaust to gain clearance to remove the bar)


Reinstall the Hotchkis Sway Bar

Reinstall the Hotchkis Sway Bar in the same manner as stock removal. Your kit comes with new bushings and
brackets. Apply the provided silicone grease in the inside area of each bushing. Install the bushings onto the bar.

When reinstalling the stock bushing bracket nuts, please use the provided washers from your hardware kit. You
should use one washer for each bolt totaling 4 for the rear installation. Apply a small amount of lock threading

compound (included in your kit) on each bolt. Make sure to use the brackets that have the straight grease fitting
attached. Fully tighten the bracket hardware.