High Lifter Outlaw Super Duty Extreme Clutch Kit for Arctic Cat 650 H1 (06-08) User Manual

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6. Install the EPI secondary spring in the #2 hole in the helix and the B setting in the clutch. Align the helix on the

splined shaft and place the snap ring on the helix. Using the compression tool (EPI part # CCT510) slowly and
carefully compress about halfway down. While holding the helix and the bottom half of the clutch from moving, turn
the top half of the clutch counterclockwise approximately a 1/3 of a turn so the plastic buttons in the clutch rotate
past the next ramp on the helix. Push the helix down and install the key way and the snap ring. Once the snap ring
has been installed you can remove the clutch from the press. Set the clutch aside.

7. Remove the oil drain plug from the motor; if you can carefully drain it into a clean container you should be able to

reuse it. After oil is drained remove the bolts that hold the aluminum housing that contains the internal clutch. This
is the housing that has the shaft sticking out of it that the primary clutch sits on. Slowly remove the housing, try
not to damage the gasket. If gasket is damaged you will need to install a new one. Some oil may leak from the
housing when first removed, this is normal. Note: There is a directional bearing inside the clutch housing
that could fall while removing the housing

8. Remove the nut (left handed threads) holding the internal clutch on. Slide the clutch basket off; keep track of which

side faces out. Place clutch on a clean work area. Push down slightly on the outside cover and remove the e-clips.
Keeping track of which way they come off remove the three round metal plates one at a time. This will allow you to
see and change the complete spring. Remove the stock sprague springs. Install the EPI springs by inserting the
spring into the outer edge first. Using a spring tool or pliers pull on the spring and insert the end into the hole.
Install the three metal plates and the e-clips. Slide the clutch basket back onto the machine. Install the nut and
torque it to 94 ft/lbs. If the directional bearing came out, replace the bearing on the inner Sprague clutch. Put the
bearing on making sure the arrow is facing towards the rear of the machine, install the gasket and install the
aluminum housing. If it did not come out when removing the housing it should be good. Torque the housing bolts
to 7.2 ft/lbs.

9. Bolt on the clutch housing and any other brackets that were removed. Push the back half of the primary clutch back

onto the shaft. Put the secondary clutch on; make sure it slides on all the way. Torque the nut to 72 ft/lbs. Thread
the bolt included in this kit into one of the threaded holes on the side of the secondary clutch. This should spread
the clutch sheaves apart. Put the belt in the clutch. Most belts have an arrow indicating direction of rotation. If
your belt doesn’t, be sure to install it so that you can read the part number. In either case, always run the belt the
same direction as it was new.

10. Grab the primary clutch, push the inner part down with your thumbs and hold down as you pick up the clutch.

While holding the inner part of the clutch from moving, slide the primary clutch onto the shaft. This should keep the
rollers in place. Keep it pushed in until you can install the nut and washer. The clutch should slide all the way back
easily. If the clutch doesn’t seem to go on far enough to tighten the nut properly (it should slide all the way on to
the edge of the splines) you might have a roller out of place or the belt might be blocking it. If needed, move the
belt up and down to see if the clutch will slide on farther. If the rollers seem out of place take the clutch apart and
check roller location. Install the large nut and torque it to 83 ft/lbs. Remove the bolt that was threaded into the
secondary clutch.

11. Carefully install the clutch cover and gasket to ensure a good seal. Install the foot rest including the brake petal

and metal support bracket if they were removed. Attach the fenders to the foot rest.

12. Install oil drain plug. Refill your engine oil to the proper level according to owners manual. You can reuse your oil

if it is clean and was drained into a clean container. You must use NON Friction Modified oil (stock Arctic Cat). DO
NOT use oils with Friction Reducing Agents, this WILL CAUSE SLIPPAGE AND DAMAGE.

13. Go out and ride your machine. If the performance doesn’t seem right double check to make sure everything has

been done properly.

NOTICE: Even with this clutch kit, you should be advised that using substantial throttle when the tires are not able to
spin can cause the belt to slip and damage may occur. EPI recommends that the transmission be shifted into low
range when high load, slower speed situations are encountered. EPI is not responsible for any damage to the drive
belt or any other original equipment component.