01_cmyk – GE Healthcare TRACERcenter User Manual

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Local presence

Technology expertise

Working together

GMP facilitation

Overall support

GMP facilitation

Technology expertise

GE Healthcare’s TRACERcenter is a unique hub that integrates technology, scientific expertise and clinical know-how to help put

you at the forefront of PET tracer production and imaging-anywhere in the world. Working closely with you to provide solutions

customized specifically to your PET research site or clinical center, we can provide you with all the support you need throughout

your program’s lifetime.

The result? A tracer-production and imaging center you’ll be free to operate with full confidence and complete peace of mind.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

principles are fundamental to

everything we do at TRACERcenter. We

apply these critical quality guidelines to

your project from start to finish.

TRACERcenter helps you develop and

implement processes to fulfill your

facility’s GMP requirements.

We also offer you a comprehensive

portfolio of GMP-compatible accessories

and supplies that can help you stay in

compliance for many years to come.

TRACERcenter equips you with the right

platform for your needs-a platform that

combines innovative technologies with

products from some of the world’s

finest radiopharmaceutical suppliers.

You’ll be positioned to take full

advantage of advanced GE PETtrace*

cyclotrons and high-yield chemistry

synthesizers, and to integrate an

exceptional combination of third-party

hotcells, dispensers, quality control

instrumentation and

radiation-monitoring devices.

Local presence

Overall support

Working together

No matter where, no matter when,

uptime is critical. Our solution:

TRACERcenter equipment service. It

begins locally, so you’ll always have

someone on hand to meet your needs

promptly. Our service support extends

globally, to give you fast access to our

unique, worldwide service

infrastructure, through a single point of

contact. It’s comprehensive, including

everything from service contracts and

remote diagnostics to loaner

equipment and upgrade paths.

Setting up a state-of-the-art PET facility is admittedly a

challenge. TRACERcenter covers all the angles from qualifying

and validating your equipment, positioning you to manage all

the requisite paperwork, training your staff and providing

consulting services needed to make your program successful.

At TRACERcenter, we leave nothing to chance.

A successful PET tracer-production facility requires a major

investment and a long-term commitment-on your part, and on

ours. At GE Healthcare, we’re committed to helping the

healthcare community understand disease, from the beginning.

We’re backing up this commitment with investments not only in

research and development, but also in the infrastructure

required to provide you with all the support you need.

What is TRACERcenter*?

One source. One complete solution.