GE Healthcare Optima MR450w User Manual
Page 7

Image B, captured at the same
resolution and scan time as
image A, was acquired using
ART. The acquisition was 10 dBA
quieter — with virtually no
compromise to image quality.
GE Healthcare Optima MR450w 5
Express Patient Table
Transfer patients once to improve throughput.
Easily docked and undocked by a single technologist,
the Express detachable patient table helps improve
workflow and efficiency by minimizing time between
scans. It allows for faster patient positioning accuracy
compared to fixed table designs, and can support up
to 500 lbs.
Patients are able to prep in private, and single transfers
of patients directly onto the MR table create a more
comfortable patient experience. In the event of an
emergency, just one technologist can typically undock
the table and safely transport the patient out of the
room in under 30 seconds.
Beyond productivity, the table enables new kinds
of growth for your practice, including interventional
radiology and advanced breast imaging.
A work of ART
Acoustic Reduction Technology delivers a quieter
patient experience.
The right MR experience goes beyond bore size
and positioning — patients today are also demanding
a quieter MR acquisition. New Acoustic Reduction
Technology (ART) delivers just that, reducing acoustic
ART is a highly useful application that’s usable in brain,
spine and MSK scans. And because ART reduces noise
by optimizing the gradient performance, there’s virtually
no compromise to image quality.
Image B
Image A