Breast, Liver – GE Healthcare Optima MR450w User Manual

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VIBRANT-Flex Fat Only

VIBRANT-Flex Out-of-phase


IDEAL Water Only

VIBRANT-Flex In-phase

VIBRANT-Flex Water Only

18 GE Healthcare Optima MR450w


IDEAL provides a robust, high-resolution
alternative to FSE Fat Sat or STIR for T2 fat-
suppressed breast imaging.

VIBRANT-Flex generates up to 4 contrasts
with high-resolution in just one short scan, and
virtually eliminates fat suppression failures in
breast imaging — even over a large FOV with
irregular anatomy. As a result, you gain 4X
more data and enhanced ability to “do it once
and do it right” on an exam that you don’t
want to repeat.

The Optima MR450w performs excellent
breast diffusion imaging. Breast diffusion can
be performed with the HD Breast Array or
with the integrated body coil, which allows
for a larger imaging field.

MR-Touch Elastogram (volunteer)

MR-Touch Elastogram
(patient with cirrhosis)


In these elastograms — acquired with MR-
Touch — relative stiffness is shown on a color
scale ranging from softest (purple) to hardest
(red). The stiffness of normal liver tissue is
very low, as seen in the left example. The red
in the right image shows high-tissue stiffness.