Edit while playout, 1 introduction, 1 general description – EVS IPDirector Version 5.9 - January 2011 Part 9 User’s Manual User Manual

Page 11: Purpose, User interface, Introduction, General description, Eneral, Escription

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IP Director – Version 5.9 – User’s Manual – Part 9: Edit While Playout

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011

Issue 5.9.B

1. Edit While Playout


1.1.1 G





The Edit While Playout mode allows the users to play out a timeline in IPEdit while
editing the same timeline in the same instance of the IPEdit application.

The timeline editing is performed on the IPEdit engine PGM3/4.
The ‘edit timeline’ is called the TLE.

The timeline playout is performed on the IPEdit engine PGM1/2.
The ‘on-air timeline’ is called the TLO.

The on-air timeline is updated by applying the editing actions performed on the
TLE to the TLO, via a Commit button.

This is possible to use the EWP mode (Edit While Playout mode) in IPEdit, so that
it offers a failover mechanism in a redundant setup.

User Interface

Both TLE and TLO are managed on the same instance of IPEdit, and are visible on
the same Timeline display. The TLE editing is performed as usual with the
commands above the Timeline display. The TLO playout and related actions is

managed via dedicated commands, displayed on the EWP Control Panel: