Overview divarchive errors – EVS IP2Archive Deep Archive Manager Version 3.0 - October 2012 User Manual User Manual

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5.10.3. Overview DIVArchive Errors

The following DIVArchive errors can occur:



Not Connected

No open connection.

Broken Connection

The connection with the DIVA Manager has been broken.

No Archive System

An internal error has been detected by the DIVA Manager or
by the DIVA API.

Wrong Software

Release version of the API and the Manager are not

Already Connected

A connection is already opened.


Time out has been reached before communication with the
DIVA Manager could be performed.

DIVA System Is Idle

The DIVA system is no longer able to accept connections
and queries.

While Disconnecting

Problem when disconnecting. The connection is still
considered as opened.

Access Denied

DIVA has no access to a particular location.

Unknown Error

An unknown status has been received from the DIVA

Internal Error

An internal error has been detected by the DIVA Manager or
by the DIVA API.

Invalid Parameter

A parameter value has not been understood by the DIVA

Object Doesn’t Exist

The specified object does not exist in the DIVA database.

Object Offline

There is no inserted instance in the library and no actor
could provide a disk instance.

Several Objects With
This Name

More than one object with the specified name exist in the
DIVA database.

Object In Use

The object is currently used (being archived, restored,
deleted, etc.).

Object Is Partially

The specified object has instances that are partially deleted.

Wrong Objects List

The maxListSize parameter is too big (greater than 500), or
to small (less than 1).

IP2Archive - User Manual - Deep Archive Manager Version 3.0

5. Archiving, Restoring and Purging Clips