Garmin GPS 100 User Manual
Page 83

offset navigation feature while the GPS 100 is navigating using a single
waypoint route. The GPS 100 will not allow offset navigation in this situation.
CDI ALARM - Your course deviation has exceeded the limit you specified on
the Alarm Page.
COLLECTING DATA - The GPS100 is collecting orbital data while searching
the sky. The antenna should have a good view of the sky and the GPS100
should be allowed to finish data collection before turning the unit off.
DEGRADED ACCURACY - The accuracy of the GPS 100 position is
degraded beyond 500 meters due to satellite geometry or data quality.
Additional cross checking should be performed by the user to verify the
integrity of the GPS 100 position.
DO NOT USE FOR NAV - The GPS 100 is in the simulator mode and must
not be used for actual navigation.
FINAL ALTITUDE ALERT - The suggested altitude is within 1000 feet of the
final altitude entered on the VNAV Planning Page.
INVALD CPA WPT _____ - The closest point of approach cannot be created
from the waypoint entered on the CPA Page. This occurs when the
computed point does not fall on one of the route legs, or when a unique
waypoint name for the closest point of approach cannot be made.
LEG NOT SMOOTHED - The upcoming leg is too short for smooth waypoint
transitions. Expect a rapid change in the CDI.
MEMORY BATTERY LOW - The battery that sustains user memory is low
and should be replaced by an authorized GARMIN service center as soon
as possible. Failure to do so may result in loss of stored data, including all
waypoints and routes.
NEED ALT - PRESS NAV - The GPS 100 needs altitude input in order to start
and/or continue 2D navigation. Press the NAV key and enter your antenna
altitude on the Position Page. The altitude you enter should be as accurate
as possible. An inaccurate altitude will directly translate into inaccurate
position and navigation information.
OFFSET NAV CANCELLED - Offset navigation has been cancelled due to