Garmin GPS 75 User Manual

Page 56

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Route Waypoint - An attempt has been made to delete a waypoint
which is a member of one or more routes. You must remove the waypoint
from all routes before the waypoint can be deleted.

Route Wpt Deleted - A waypoint in a transmitted route does not exist
in the database and has been deleted from the route.

RTCM Input Failed - RTCM data was being received but the connection
has been lost.

Searching the Sky - The GPS 75 is in the search-the-sky mode. Allow
the unit to complete its data collection before turning it off. This process
takes approximately 15 minutes.

Stored Data Lost - Stored user data, including waypoints, routes, and
satellite orbital data has been lost due to a low memory battery.

Timer Expired - The count down timer has expired.

Track Memory Full - The track memory is full. Go to the Plotting Setup
Page and clear the memory.

WPT Exists ____ - You have entered a waypoint name on the AutoStore


Page that already exists in memory. Enter a waypoint name that does
not exist.

WPT Memory Full - The waypoint memory is full. You should delete
unused waypoints to make room for new waypoints.

WPT/RTE RX Started - The GPS 75 has received the first data
transmission in a waypoint/route upload or transfer operation.

WPT/RTE TX Complete - The GPS 75 has transmitted the last
information in a waypoint/route transfer operation.