Garmin GPS 75 User Manual

Page 42

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· Enter the bearing and distance from the existing waypoint to the

new waypoint.

· Press ENT. A latitude and longitude location for the new waypoint

should now be displayed.


Throughout this manual, each time we have encountered a waypoint
name field, we have entered the waypoint name with the alphanumeric
keys. An alternative is to use the waypoint scanning feature.

To Scan for a Waypoint...

· As an example, use the GOTO

waypoint field. Press GOTO.

· The waypoint name field is

highlighted and may be blank or
may already show a GOTO
destination. If the waypoint name
field is not blank, press CLR.

· Press WPT. A waypoint name is now displayed.

· Scan for the desired waypoint with the arrow keys. (NOTE: As you

are scanning, up to nine nearest waypoints will be shown first;
followed by the entire list in numeric and alphabetical order.)

To limit the scanning range, you may specify the first letter(s) or
number(s) of the waypoint name.

To Perform a Limited Scan...

· For this example, select the

Waypoint Definition Page with
WPT and the WPT softkey, if

· Highlight the waypoint name field

with the arrow keys.

· If this field is not blank, press


· Enter the first character of the waypoint name. For this example,

enter the letter “G”.

· Press WPT. Use the arrow keys to scan through all waypoints that

begin with the letter “G”.