Nav key – Garmin GPS 150XL User Manual
Page 29

To change the DOP/EPE field:
1. Press
and rotate
to display the satellite status page.
2. If the desired field (EPE or DOP) is not displayed, press
3. Use
to change between ‘epe’ and ‘dop’. Press
to finish.
The receiver status field, located on the second line (left side) of the page, will
display the following messages under the appropriate conditions:
Search Sky - The GPS 150XL is searching the sky for visible satellites. You
will be informed with the message ‘Searching the Sky’.
Acquiring - The GPS 150XL is acquiring satellites for navigation.
2D Nav - The GPS 150XL is in 2D navigation mode. If your installation
does not include an altitude serializer, you must enter the alti-
tude manually (see page 2). ‘2D Dif Nav’ will appear when you
are receiving DGPS corrections in 2D mode.
3D Nav - The GPS 150XL is in 3D navigation mode and will compute
altitude. ‘3D Dif Nav’ will appear when you are receiving DGPS
corrections in 3D mode.
Simulator - The GPS 150XL is in simulator mode, which should only be
used for practice and trip planning. Never use simulator mode
for actual navigation.
Poor Cvrg - The GPS 150XL cannot acquire sufficient satellites for navigation.
Need Alt - The GPS 150XL needs altitude in order to start/continue naviga-
tion. Press
N to display the position page and enter altitude.
Not Usable - The GPS 150XL is unusable due to incorrect initialization or
abnormal satellite conditions. Turn the unit off and on again.
Autolocate - The GPS 150XL is looking for any satellite whose almanac has
been collected. This process can take up to five minutes.
‘Searching the Sky’ for satellites. No satellite
almanac data exists in the GPS 150XL. It must
be recollected from the first available satellite.
‘Acquiring’ satellites for navigation. In this case,
the satellites are being received, but the data is
still being collected before a position can be
Status Field
150xl manual B 8/4/98 1:09 PM Page 19