Appendix e – Garmin GPS III Pilot User Manual

Page 101

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Airspace Ahead, Less Than 10 minutes—Your projected course and
current altitude will place you within an airspace in less than 10 minutes,
based on your current track and speed.

Airspace Near and Ahead—Your present position is within 2 nm of an
airspace, and you are projected to enter the airspace based on your cur-
rent track, speed and altitude.

Alarm Clock—The alarm clock time that was set from the Alarms sub-
menu has been reached.

Approaching—You are one minute away from reaching a destination

Approaching Target Altitude—The current altitude is within 1000 feet
of the final Vertical Nav target altitude.

Approaching VNav Profile—You are within one minute of reaching the
initial Vertical Nav descent point.

Arrival at—You have reached your destination waypoint.

Battery Power Low—The batteries are low and should be replaced.

Can’t Navigate Locked Route—You have attempted to navigate a route
with a locked waypoint. A waypoint can be ‘locked’ when the database is
updated if the waypoint does not exist in the new database.

Data Transfer Complete—The unit has finished uploading or down-
loading information to the connected device.

Degraded Accuracy—The unit’s accuracy has been degraded beyond

500 meters due to poor satellite geometry or data quality. Check other
navigational sources to verify the position indicated.

Inside Airspace—Your aircraft has entered the boundaries of special-use
or controlled airspace.

Leg not Smoothed—The upcoming route leg is too short for smooth
waypoint transitions.

Memory Battery Power Low—The battery that sustains user memory is
low and should be replaced by an authorized service center as soon as
possible. Failure to do so may result in loss of stored data, including all
user waypoints and routes.

Near Airspace, Less Than 2 nm—Your position is within 2 nautical
miles of an airspace and your current course will not take you inside.

Need Altitude for 2D Nav—The unit needs altitude input in order to
start and/or continue 2D navigation.

Need to Select Init Method—You must select an initialization method
so the unit can locate satellites and obtain a fix.

No Differential GPS Position—Not enough data is available to com-
pute a DGPS position.

No RTCM Input—Beacon receiver is improperly connected or baud
rates do not match.

Off Course Alarm—You are left or right of course, beyond the limits set
on the Alarms submenu.

The GPS III Pilot uses an on-screen message indicator to alert you to important

information. Whenever the message appears, press ENTER to acknowledge the mes-
sage and return to the previous page you were viewing. Messages are provided for
system status, waypoint/route editing, battery condition, etc. For your safety, pay careful attention to all messages.




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