Appendix d – Garmin GPS III Pilot User Manual
Page 100

The GPS III Pilot’s antenna may be removed to allow attachment of an optional
remote-mounted antenna. In some applications, using a remote-mounted antenna
will dramatically increase the number of satellites received. The GPS antenna should
be mounted in a location which provides an unobstructed view of much of the sky. A minimum of four satellites are
needed to determine a three-dimensional position. Satellite coverage will vary throughout the day, but may be checked
at any time using the Satellite Status Page (see page 27). If satellite reception is limited in your particular installation,
you may want to consider one of the following options:
Remote Suction Cup Mount – allows you to mount the standard detachable antenna up to 6 feet away from the
GPS III Pilot unit, using a suction cup mount. This mount should only be used inside a vehicle.
GA 26 Remote Antenna – allows you to mount an amplified antenna outside the vehicle, up to 8 feet away, using
supplied magnetic or suction cup mounts. Trunk lip and permanent flange mounts are also available.
GA 56 Low Profile Antenna - allows you to permanently mount an amplified antenna outside the aircraft, with
a feed cable up to 60 feet in length.
To remove the attached antenna:
1. Rotate the antenna toward the rear of the unit as shown.
Note: The antenna can only be removed or installed in this position.
2. Pull the antenna gently away from the unit.
3. To install an optional external antenna, mate the BNC connector notches
with the mounting posts and turn the knurled knob one-quarter turn
Antenna / Remote Mounting
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