Nomenclature – Activeforever OptiFlex 3 Knee CPM (OptiFlex3 Knee CPM) User Manual
Page 11

OptiFlex® 3 Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Therapy Unit
Start/Stop (Emergency Stop): Starts or stops the
How to Use: Press the Start/Stop (Emergency Stop)
button to begin or end the treatment.
NOTE: When unit is stopped and the Start/Stop
(Emergency Stop) button is pressed, the unit will
immediately begin moving in the opposite direction of the
last movement.
Comfort Zone™: Temporarily decreases the flexion
ROM when discomfort is experienced during treatment.
How to Use: Press and the carriage will immediately
reverse direction to move toward the extension angle.
For the next five cycles, the carriage will operate in a
range 5° less than the angle where the button was
pressed. The Comfort Zone Flexion Angle is 5° less than
the angle where the button was pressed. Once five
cycles are complete, the Comfort Zone Flexion Angle
will be increased by 1° each consecutive cycle until it
reaches the currently Programmed Flexion Angle. See
Chart 1.
NOTE: If Comfort Zone is pressed within 30° of the
currently Programmed Extension Angle, treatment will
stop and the message "Comfort Zone Too Small" will be
If pain is severe, do not use the Comfort Zone function. Stop
treatment immediately. Failure to stop treatment could result in
tissue damage and could compromise the surgical repair.
C = Comfort Zone activated temporary flexion limit established.
5° = 5° less than the angle where Comfort Zone was activated.
Upon completion of five cycles, ROM will increase by 1° each cycle until it reaches P.
P = Programmed Flexion angle.
S = Start/Finish.