C. elt d-sub plug installation – ACR&Artex ME406 ACE ELT User Manual
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ME406 (453-6603), ME406HM (453-6604)
Page 62 of 84
May 03/13
Prepare the wires fabricated in Step (6), as described in Steps (2)(a) and (2)(b).
Crimp appropriately sized ring terminals on the buzzer ends of the buzzer power and ground
Crimp an appropriately sized ring terminals on the airframe end of the ground wires.
(10) Crimp an appropriately sized ring terminal on the remote switch power source wire end.
NOTE: If desired, the power wire may be spliced to an unswitched power source in a
manner acceptable to the aircraft manufacturer, or as described in AC 43.13-1,
Paragraph 11-167.
(11) Crimp female terminal pins (151-6628) to the cockpit remote switch end, as follows:
NOTE: Use Molex crimp tool 63811-3300, or an equivalent tool for 0.062 in. terminal pins.
Each harness wire.
Remote switch ground wire.
Remote switch power wire.
(12) Bundle the wiring into a complete harness, with breakouts as appropriate, such that the wiring
can be properly supported and attached to the airframe. Refer to the aircraft manufacturer’s
written instructions or AC 43.13-1, Chapter 11, § 9 through 12, as applicable.
SUBTASK 25-62-30-450-002
C. ELT D-Sub Plug Installation
NOTE: Artex supplies a DB15 female solder contact connector with all ME406 ELT kits. If a
crimp contact connector is preferred, it is acceptable to purchase and use an
alternate DB15 crimp contact connector. Ensure it conforms to MIL-C-24308 or other
commercial specification to ensure performance requirements are met.
NOTE: If moisture intrusion is a possibility, seal the back side of the connector. See SUBTASK
Select a rubber grommet, supplied as part of the D-Sub housing kit (150-1127), that fits
snugly around the harness wiring.
Feed the wiring harness, ground wire, and buzzer power wire through the rubber grommet,
such that the raised collar end of the grommet fits inside the housing. See Figure 21 D-Sub
NOTE: For composite airframe installations, the buzzer ground wire should also be routed
through the grommet.