Acnodes FES 2230 User Manual

Page 7

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Optional Support Digital I/O

Option al su pport 8 bit GPIO with TTL level

Remote P ower On

Option al su pport Remote Power On/Off function

Front Panel Extend I/O

P ower & HD D Led

Po wer & System Reset bu tton, 2 o ptional WiFi an ten na

Rear P anel E xtend I/O

Sc rew-Lock D C power in put con nector
1 female DB-44 (I/O 2) t o 4 male DB-9 for 2 RS-232/422/485 & 2 RS-232
DVI-I + D VI-D display in ter face
4 USB, 2 RJ-45 100/1000 M bit L AN connec tor
1 Micro ph one-in, 1 Line-out con nector (occupy DB-44 I/O 1 sp ace; may remove M icro Phone-in & Line-o ut fo r o ptional
I/O exp an sion).

Rear P anel Optional I/O

2 DB-9/15 (I/O 3 & 4 ) for PC I-104 mo dule o r C OM 5 & 6

Power Supply

DC 6 V~34 V inpu t, 2 4 VDC/0.85A, 12VDC/ 1.7A, AT/ATX po wer typ e
Po wer adapter:

AC to DC , D C 12V/5A 60W (Optional)

Power Consumption (with HDD)

Typical Power C onsumptio n:

17W/ 12W/ 9W (D2550 / N2800/ N2600)

Maximum Power Con sumption :

22W/ 17 W/ 14W (D 2550/ N2800/ N26 00)


Oper ation Temper atur e:


With extend temperature HD D: -20°C~60°C


With SSD / mSATA: -20°C~60°C

Sto rage Temper atur e: -40°C ~85°C

Relative Humidity:

10%~90% (Non-con densin g)

Anti-Vibr ation (operation):

- MIL-810F-514.5C-VII

- 2G rms @10~500Hz r an dom, 3 axes (HD D with anti-vib ration kit, SSD /mSATA withou t anti-vibration kit)

Anti-Sh ock (no n-o perat io n):

- IEC-60028-2-27

- 50G rms, 11ms dur atio n (HD D with an ti-vib ration kit, SSD / mSATA with out anti-vib ratio n kit)

Dimensions and W eight

D imension W x H x D : 200mm x 86.5mm x 133. 5mm (7.87” x 3.41” x 5.26”)
Weigh t (Net / Gr oss):

2. 0KG (4. 4lb)/ 2. 7KG (5.94lb)


Mo unting:

Din Rail M oun t

C onstruct io n: D IN Rail Heavy-Du ty Steel Embedded platform

Certification & OS Supports

C E/FCC Class A
Windo ws 7, Win X P, Linux