Fes2230, Chapter 1: introduction, 1 overview – Acnodes FES 2230 User Manual

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Fanless Embedded System

Chapter 1: Introduction

1-1 Overview

Acnodes’ FES 22 30 supports the exclusive features to provide custom er an improved and outstanding
experience by applyi ng the Atom D255 0 processor, (N2 800 / N 2600 avail able based on customers’ choi ce)
with i ts outstandi ng and re liable em bedded system with hi gh performance and l ow power consumption
remai ned.

The ne w launched Atom ™ P rocessor D25 50 Dual-core 1.86 GHz Processor carries out an enhanced function in
graphic performance for increasi ng the capabil ity in multi-media. The new FES 223 0 supports for reaching up
to 4 GB DDR3 - 8 00/1 066 as its maxim um me mory. For the disk dri ve storage, it is desi gned with 2.5” SATA
HDD and one M ini -P CI-E m SATA.

In orde r to m eet the network stabil ity, the FES 2 230 uses two Realte k 8 1xx 100/1 000 Mbps L AN with
Wake-On L AN & DM I to support and m aintain Ethe rnet function. The system designed w ith tw o D B-9
supports for RS-23 2/ 422/ 485 and two for RS-2 32 interface with auto-flow control. It also provides a
software programm ing Watchdog ( WDT) with tim er range from 1 to 255 se conds. For the audio output,
there has occupied with an ALC 662 for speaker.

In displ ay function, it supports for dual displ ay of DVI-I+DVI-D, and the VGA supports for 1920 x 1 200
(1 080P ) resol utions. The new FES 2 230 also equipped by NM 10 South Bridge Chipset that supplies high
spe ed storage inter fac e as in faster data transfer rate. The construction of FES 223 0 i s designed as Alumi num
housing Em bedded platform. For extended I/O devices, there is an optional support for 8 bit GP IO wi th TTL
level provided.

FES 2 230 is c apable to accept DC power input from 6 V~34 V. The power consumpti on can reach up to
22W in m ax imum with D25 50 chipsets. The system also offers opti onal support for Anti-V ibrati on and
Anti-Shock functi onal iti es to e nhance the pe rform ance and durabili ty of FES 223 0. The system is
valuable for all the em bedded applicati ons, and also we ll support with the Wi ndow 7, Window s XP and
Linux Operation system.

14628 Central Ave,

Chino, CA 91710

tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939

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